Minerals (macronutrients and micronutrients)

Minerals have a key role in the proper functioning of the body. A daily intake of nutritional supplements is essential since the human body is unable to synthesize them itself.

Therefore, a deficiency in trace elements and minerals is one of the major factor for poor performance, tiredness, vulnerability to stress, decreased concentration or intellectual capacity, etc. It is, therefore, important to control the mineral level in the body to be able to anticipate the associated risks.

Studies by the WHO or FAO have highlighted the increasing dangers of massive exposure to toxic agents. Transmitted by air pollution, ground water and soil, food, etc. contamination is becoming increasingly dangerous and unavoidable involving health risks.

Toxic metals cause oxidative stress.

Oxidative stress is a type of aggression of the cell components by free radicals.

Oxidative stress is responsible for aging and many other diseases.

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