Peyronie’s Disease, although not frequently discussed, is more prevalent than many might realize. This condition involves the development of hard fibrous scar tissue inside the penis, resulting in painful, curved erections that can severely affect a man’s sexual health and quality of life. At Steel City Men’s Clinic in Pittsburgh, PA, we understand the physical and emotional toll that Peyronie’s Disease can take on individuals. This understanding is what initially motivated Dr. Donaldson to explore and develop alternative treatments for this challenging condition, as traditional approaches often fall short of providing adequate relief or results.
Peyronie’s Disease is thought to affect between 1-23% of men aged 40 to 70, but due to the private nature of the condition and the reluctance of many to discuss it, actual figures are likely much higher. Men often suffer in silence, either because they are embarrassed or simply unaware that their symptoms indicate a diagnosable and treatable medical condition.
At Steel City Men’s Clinic, we aim to shed light on Peyronie’s Disease and provide men in Pittsburgh with effective, compassionate care. Our approach goes beyond conventional treatments; we utilize the latest in medical advancements to offer a range of therapies that can significantly improve outcomes. From oral medications and injections designed to break down the fibrous plaque to innovative surgical solutions for more severe cases, our treatments are tailored to meet the specific needs and conditions of our patients.
Understanding that each case of Peyronie’s Disease can vary widely in severity and symptoms, Steel City Men’s Clinic is dedicated to offering personalized care plans. We consider all aspects of our patients’ health and wellness in our treatment plans, ensuring that each man receives the most appropriate and effective interventions.
By providing a supportive and confidential environment, Steel City Men’s Clinic encourages men to seek the help they need for Peyronie’s Disease. Our team of specialists is committed to improving patients’ quality of life through state-of-the-art therapies that promote sexual health and overall well-being.
How common is Peyronie’s Disease?
Studies indicate Peyronie’s may affect 1-23% of men between 40 and 70 years old.* Because Peyronie’s can be embarrassing and not often talked about, or because men may not know that is what they have, the incidence of Peyronie’s is probably much higher than shown in studies.
- Peyronie’s disease www.urologyhealth.org May 2014
What are the signs and symptoms of Peyronie’s?
Symptoms can occur slowly over time or very quickly. The first sign is noticing hard lumps on the penis, a curve in the penis, and/or a shorter and thinner penis. The outcome of these signs is Erectile dysfunction. Pain during sexual intercourse or with an erection can also occur because of the plaque formation.
How Does Peyronies’s happen?
The hard fibrous scar tissue interrupts the blood flow in the penis during an erection. This interruption of blood flow and decrease in full erections, can also cause the penis to curve, shorten, and in some cases lead to severe curving of the penis causing painful erections. Sometimes over time, the pain can go away while the curvature of Peyonies remains. In all of these instances, the fibrous tissue can make getting an erection and maintaining an erection difficult.
A man’s sex drive can still be normal and strong if you have Peyronie’s. However, because of plaque formation, the physical function of the penis is not normal. The dysfunction of the penis in Peyronie’s is devastating to men, ultimately creating huge anxiety and stress as sexual performance and self-esteem are low.
What is the cause of Peyronie’s?
Although experts say they don’t know the exact cause of Peyronie’s, many believe it to be a direct response of the penis to trauma. When trauma occurs to any part of the body, a fibrous scar tissue occurs as part of the healing process. This same thing happens to the inside of the penis to create the fibrous plaque that causes erectile dysfunction.
Common causes:
- Acute injury or fracture of the penis.
- Chronic or repeated injury to the penis such as endurance distance bike or motorcycle long distance bike riding, either bicycles or motorcycles as the seat is a constant rub against genital area. In this case, nerve bundles may also be destroyed making the disease to be even more difficult to treat.
- Autoimmune disease where the body’s immune system attacks its own body
How do you treat Peyronie’s?
Peyronie’s can sometimes resolve on its own if it is detected early without any treatment at all. However, when it does not resolve on its own, it has to be treated in order to restore and maintain the ability to have sex and in some cases reduce the pain.
Traditional treatments:
- Medications: are given by mouth, injected into the plaque, or applied topically over the plaque
- Oral medication includes Tamoxifen, colchicine, acetyl –L carnitine, pentoxifylline
- Topical medication rubbed into the plaque include Verapamil and Vitamin E
- Injections of Verapamil, Interferon alpha 2b, steroids, and collagenase (xiaflex). Collagenase seems to work the best and is the only one FDA approved for Peyronie’s.
- Oral supplements: Vitamin E (gamma) and potassium para –amniobenzoate
At SCMC, personalized protocols are developed using several different techniques all geared toward breaking down the fibrous plaque formation and re-establishing blood flow to help repair the area of plaque. In addition, we are always looking for even better means of eradicating this disease for men.
We are excited, as those with Peyronie’s should be, there is finally hope for men with this injury using natural means with no side effects. SCMC is also very excited to be able to offer treatments for this disease.
Call SCMC 1-412-699-0242