Low Testosterone = Low “T”

Low Testosterone, commonly referred to as “Low T,” is a significant health concern that is becoming increasingly recognized within the medical community and the general population. At Steel City Men’s Clinic in Pittsburgh, PA, we understand that while low testosterone is often associated with men over 40—of whom 40 to 50 percent suffer from erectile dysfunction (ED), a key indicator of Low T—this condition does not discriminate by age. It can affect younger men as well, and its prevalence is rising, making it a modern health challenge that needs comprehensive attention and care.

Despite widespread acknowledgment of the condition, misconceptions about low testosterone persist. Many still do not realize that Low T can manifest at any stage in a man’s life, and its impact goes beyond just erectile dysfunction. Symptoms of low testosterone include decreased libido, fatigue, loss of muscle mass, increased body fat, and emotional changes, which can significantly impair a man’s quality of life. For years, the treatment of low testosterone was shrouded in hesitation, largely due to fears that testosterone therapy could lead to or exacerbate prostate cancer. This concern has, however, been largely refuted by recent scientific research, which demonstrates that testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is safe when administered under proper medical supervision.

At Steel City Men’s Clinic, we specialize in both diagnosing low testosterone and low testosterone treatment in Pittsburgh. Situated in the heart of Pittsburgh, PA, our clinic is at the forefront of men’s health, providing advanced therapies that are tailored to each patient’s individual needs. Our approach is holistic—addressing not just the physical symptoms of Low T but also the psychological aspects that accompany this condition.

Recognizing and treating Low T is crucial, not only for improving immediate symptoms like ED but also for preventing long-term health issues. Testosterone plays a pivotal role in maintaining cardiovascular health, bone density, muscle mass, and overall metabolic function. Effective management of Low T can lead to significant improvements in these areas, enhancing a man’s overall health and his life’s quality.

Steel City Men’s Clinic is committed to educating men about low testosterone treatment in Pittsburgh and the importance of recognizing and addressing symptoms of low testosterone. We provide a welcoming and confidential environment where men can openly discuss their health concerns. Our state-of-the-art facilities and expert medical team ensure that each patient receives the best possible care, with treatments that are customized to their unique health profiles.

By focusing on a comprehensive treatment approach and leveraging the latest advancements in medical science, Steel City Men’s Clinic empowers men to take control of their health and actively combat the effects of Low T. Our commitment is to not only treat the symptoms but also to educate and guide our patients through their recovery, helping them to achieve and maintain optimal health.
For any man looking for low testosterone treatment in Pittsburgh, reaching out for help is the first step towards recovery. Steel City Men’s Clinic in Pittsburgh is your partner in health, ready to assist you in navigating this journey with expert care and support.

We now know that testosterone:

  • Is essential for normal functioning erections
  • Protects the heart and cardiovascular system
  • Helps correct type 2 diabetes
  • Decreases overall mortality by 50 percent
  • Builds muscle
  • Helps increase libido
  • Helps men lose abdominal fat

*The most exciting and cutting-edge development in research has also revealed that testosterone is one of the body’s natural hormones that helps heal the brain following traumatic brain injury (TBI). Testosterone has also been found to be abundantly necessary for excellent cognitive functioning.

In addition, Abraham Morgentaler, M.D., an Associate Clinical Professor of Urology at Harvard Medical School, has performed clinical trials with the following conclusions:

  • Testosterone therapy does not cause progression of prostate cancer
  • Low testosterone has higher associated risk factors for men with prostate cancer
  • Lower testosterone (<400 ng/ml) is associated with a higher risk of mortality
  • A normal testosterone level, whether medically-induced or natural, has a 50 percent lower mortality rate

Symptoms of Low T include the Following:

  • Low libido
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Abdominal weight gain
  • Decreased muscle tone
  • Inability to build muscle efficiently
  • Lack of concentration
  • Irritability
  • Fatigue and lack of stamina
  • Foggy brain
  • Decreased ability to make decisions
  • Decrease in cognitive functioning
  • Poor memory
  • Hair loss

If you suffer from two or more of the above symptoms, you likely have low T. A diagnosis of low testosterone usually leads to many questions and even more concerns. At Steel City Men's Clinic, our medical staff is the most qualified in the Pittsburgh area for hormone treatments, comprehensive men’s wellness, and assessing and treating sexual performance. Steel City Men's Clinic can address any questions or concerns during your initial consultation. In fact, at Steel City Men's Clinic we can test you for low T the same day you come in for your initial consultation, saving you time and frustration by trying to get it done at outside labs.

Questions? Call SCMC to discover if you suffer from low T. Know the impact of feeling whole again and understand that YOU ARE NOT ALONE.

Does Testosterone Therapy Cause Cancer or an Enlarged Prostate?

An Associate Clinical Professor of Urology at Harvard Medical School and testosterone researcher, Abraham Morgentaler, M.D., has dramatically changed today’s medical views on testosterone therapy in men. He found that 14 percent of the 77 patients he studied who had a normal prostate exam (PSA <4) but a testosterone level of 400 or below (normal range is between 250 to 1100) already had biopsy-proven prostate cancer. This is a similar prostate cancer rate as men with elevated PSA (4-10 ng/ml) and prostate cancer.

This discovery stands in stark opposition to current traditional medical beliefs that high testosterone causes prostate cancer and that testosterone therapy in men with no evidence of prostate cancer is “like pouring gasoline on a fire.”

The concept that testosterone therapy causes prostate cancer was taught in medical schools around the world until 2004 when Dr. Morgentaler took the time and effort to review all articles from 1985 to 2004 looking for “something worrisome” in the relationship between testosterone and prostate cancer, testosterone therapy and prostate cancer, or high testosterone and prostate cancer. His research found absolutely ZERO articles! In addition, his studies showed testosterone therapy did NOT cause the prostate gland to enlarge.

Muller et al., European Urology, 2012, studied 3,255 men undergoing prostate biopsies at two years and four years and showed that prostate cancer is not associated with serum levels of testosterone or dihydrotestosterone (DHT). It also proved that men with high testosterone are not at an increased risk of prostate cancer.

Cui et al., Pros Canc Pros Dis, 2014, met analysis of 2,351 men showed no difference in prostate cancer rates for men who received testosterone therapy versus placebo.

Even more unsettling to traditional medicine is the trial in which 13 men with active prostate cancer received testosterone therapy (one to eight years). All had follow-up biopsies (an average of two per person) and NONE demonstrated a progression of their prostate cancer.