Being born and raised in southern Virginia for the first 12 years of my life, I learned a few lessons that have stuck with me for a lifetime. Namely, “nothing is free” and “you work for what you get.” Well, I haven’t stopped working and I haven’t forgotten my blueprint that I established at an early age!

As I reflect on my professional career of 27 years in the medical industry, I’ve realized that there’s always been a common theme: patient service and patient outcomes. Now I understand that it’s a part of my DNA. It’s only fitting that I decided to open Steel City Medical Center, a clinic specifically devoted to helping men overcome some of the same challenges I faced in my early 40s. Steel City Medical Center is dedicated to service and making a positive impact on each patient we treat. As our patient, I’m confident you will get the same results I did to overcome your personal challenges, including those that impact your mind, body and spirit!

Go figure… from a dirt road in southern Virginia to opening a world-class men’s clinic. Dream big and never stop servicing others!